2009年8月5日 星期三

Artic Tale-Is't not only a tale

Global Warming is a real threat. The majority of scientists across the globe agree on this (there is a small dissenting group but nothing compared to those that believe in the theory).
Here are a story about nanu the polar bear and Seela the Walrus.The arctic is where these two live, and the arctic is the battleground most climatologists point to whenever they are asked for proof of global warming theory.
It is important to let children know that this area is in danger—as are its animals—thanks to the changes in global climate. And children are who this G-rated film is directed at.
All-in-all, it's a superior documentary that stands head and shoulders above this one. But that shouldn't shame Arctic Tale at all. It's a decent documentary.

1 則留言:

  1. Wow! You must spend a lot of time to write this blog.Aren't you? It is a good job. I think the picture is beautiful.

    You are right. The global warming is a real threat.We must save the earth!!!!!!
